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Identifying and Hiring Top Talents Across Borders

Posted March 25, 2015 in Articles

Recruiting for a multinational business is a global undertaking. Identifying, interviewing, recruiting and hiring top talent can lead to special challenges associated with language, experience and geography. A methodical, well-informed approach can help you attract and retain the world’s top talent.

Global Recruitment Platforms

In the past, businesses put an ad in a local newspaper and interviewed candidates in person or by a phone call. As the platform for finding candidates shifted into the technological realm, the reach of recruitment spread to a wider geographic area and larger pool of highly qualified candidates.

In almost every market, companies are using LinkedIn, Facebook, Plaxo and other types of social media to conduct targeted research of potential talent. Your industry may also have a networking site dedicated to recruitment within your industry. Skype and other video conferencing programs can make interviewing more personal and more convenient for both you and the potential recruit.

Recruiting from an International Pool of Candidates

Candidates from different countries may look similar in their resumes. However, you should consider a foreign national candidate in the context of his or her country of education, work experience and life experiences, in particular:

  • Comparing foreign education and degrees
    The requirements to earn a professional license in the United States differ from those of other countries. For example, students earn a law degree in several South American, Asian and European countries through an undergraduate program, as opposed to a three-year graduate program following an undergraduate degree in the United States. A foreign degree evaluation service may be helpful in determining what constitutes a comparable education and credentials for the job.
  • Understanding cultural and language aspects
    Your foreign national recruit may have a deeper understanding of the unique cultural aspects of the location where you are conducting business, which can be of substantial benefit to your company. However, a lack of understanding about American culture — or wherever your company is based — may be a detriment. Consider a recruit’s international education, work experience and cultural involvements.

Hiring Foreign-Nationals for U.S. Positions

Identifying the perfect candidate for a position in your U.S. office is just the beginning. When hiring for a U.S. job, the position and the employee should be viewed in terms of visa eligibility and relocation needs.

Some matters to consider before making a job offer include:

  • The type of visa most suited to the position you are filling
  • Whether the salary and job description meet immigration requirements
  • Extra expenses and time associated with processing for immigration
  • Whether the recruit is otherwise eligible for a visa
  • The costs of relocation of, not just the recruit, but of her or his family

Hiring in Other Countries

Developing and managing hiring and employment practices in a new foreign location can be challenging for even the most well established international corporation. But, the right approach can open the doors to effective growth in an expanding marketplace.

Some matters to consider regarding your human resources approach in another country include:

  • Complying with employment laws in the country where you are hiring
  • Understanding the cultural aspects that may affect employment relationships
  • Structuring the workforce in a manner appropriate and effective in the target country
  • Adapting your employment policies to the country, and drafting your employee handbook accordingly
  • Accurately calculating pay based upon exchange rates and cost of living

The global network of consultants at Mithras Investments, LLC can help you with the successful recruitment and hiring of global top talent for your business.

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