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Effective Workforce Management Strategies for the Digital Disruption

Posted October 31st, 2022 in Articles

The digital disruption—the transition from in-the-office workforces to entire teams working remotely—was already in motion before the COVID-19 pandemic. But, the pandemic pushed the digital disruption into overdrive, and while some companies are attempting to transition back to the old way of doing business, for many, the digital disruption is here to stay.

For companies of all sizes, managing a remote workforce presents unique challenges. In addition to ensuring that they (and their employees) have the requisite technological capabilities, companies must ensure that they are providing adequate support and structure for their digital workers as well. A recent article from the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy discusses these considerations, noting that “more emphasis on humans, not just new technology, can actually reduce some of the pain” of adapting to the digital disruption successfully.

Adopting a “Framework for Change”

In the article, the author offers three guiding principles for effective remote workforce management. The first is adopting a “framework for change.” The author notes that companies must “recognize[] the human element of transitions, particularly as they play out in organizations undergoing extensive digital transformations.” 

To help employees adapt to the changes that inherently come with transitioning from an in-office to an at-home work environment, the article recommends that company leaders thoughtfully address questions such as, “What will workers gain as they give up former roles, tasks, and responsibilities?” and, “How can they be motivated to seek out these changes instead of fearfully avoiding them?”

Taking a Forward-Thinking Approach

The article also emphasizes the importance of taking a forward-thinking approach to workforce management in today’s dynamic and digitally-driven environment. Rather than focusing solely on how things have already changed (whether as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic or otherwise), company leaders should focus on the future. What tools and support do the company’s employees need to be successful? What do they need to feel connected to their work, colleagues and supervisors? What other changes may be on the horizon, and how can the company prepare for these changes so that they do not disrupt (or make obsolete) the systems and support structures the company is putting in place today?

Creating “Safe Spaces” in the Digital Work Environment

The third guiding principle the article discusses is creating “safe spaces” for employees who work remotely. These, of course, are not physical spaces but rather corporate frameworks that provide “psychological safety” to employees who may be struggling with high expectations regarding efficiency or dealing with a toxic online work environment. According to the author, “people who learn how to ask better questions and safeguard psychological safety can navigate transitions more effectively; they’re more likely to acquire new skills, gain fresh ideas, and adopt a more positive outlook about their challenges.”

Speak with a Consultant at Mithras Investments

The consultants at Mithras Investments are helping companies more effectively manage their workforces in today’s digital world. If you would like to know more about what your company can (and should) be doing to maximize its remote employees’ performance, we invite you to get in touch. Please call 305-517-7911 or contact us online to schedule an appointment today.

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